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Website structure

The Github repository has several folders:

To create a new page, create a file page_name.md in pandoc-site/sources.

It’s Markdown which is also used in GitHub readmes and Jupyter notebook text cells.1

Add math with $ (e.g. $x^3$ becomes x3x^3) and headings with #. You can also add inline HTML.

Add images with [caption](image-url){.invert}. The caption is optional. The invert is also optional; it makes the image colors flip when the website is in dark mode.

To add local images or Juypter notebooks for download, add them to resources then reference then with a link to ./resources/file-name.extension.

To link to other pages, use [link-name](page-name.html). Note that even though pages are .md files, in the website they will be .html, so that’s what should be used in the link.

If a page is named with a leading underscore (e.g. _mypage.md), then it won’t show up in the navigation bar, but the output file will be just mypage.html. This can be useful for creating subpages that are only accessible from another page. Note that the link would still be ./mypage.html.

  1. Although they all have slightly different syntax for advanced features↩︎